Common Ground S.T.E.P.S.


In the upcoming (end of 2021) book “The Common Ground Solution” we discuss the STEPS to find Common Ground with others. This acronym stands for See, Trade Places, Empathize, Persevere, and Seek. This is a methodology that has been gleaned by studying the lives of people that have been effective in finding common ground in the midst of difficult circumstances and against impossible odds. Here’s a brief description of each aspect of this process.

We have to open our eyes and look. If we refuse to see then it reveals a condition that needs to be treated. When your eyes are opened to see common ground with others it improves your entire life. Finding common ground is essential to having a genuine exchange about life’s supreme meaning and purpose. Ultimately, what we should see is others the way God sees them so we can treat them the way He would have us treat them by loving them. We also will be able to see the vast areas we share in common that will build bridges for the message of the gospel to come to their lives.
Trade Places
Try to see the other person’s perspective. There are other ways of saying this like, walk in their shoes, seek to understand before seeking to be understood. We all have blind spots. When we are willing to see things from someone else’s perspective there are things that become visible that we might have not seen. Sometimes small details can change an entire narrative.
The result of this shift in our perspective produces empathy. There’s no other trait that is more valuable in the times we are living in than empathy. Feeling someone else’s burden or pain. As humans we share in the struggles that life presents. Sickness, death, loss, pain and heartache will come to us all at some point. Listening to others is indispensable in helping you develop empathy. It gives your words to them greater weight when they believe you sincerely care about them.
In this process you must be willing to honestly assess your life and recognize any discrimination, racism, polarizing tendencies and be willing to strive to eliminate them. This requires perseverance. You might have to walk away from people who are determined to remain in a state of anger and outrage—viewing you as an enemy for not sharing their sentiments. Gaining a long term vision will help you to persevere when the going gets tough.
We are sent out to seek the lost and to help the hurting. We are instructed to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” To seek means to diligently search. To seek something earnestly is to make it your top priority. Common ground seekers are constantly looking for open doors and opportunities to serve others. Living this way turns us from looking inward to looking outward toward others. It is a paradigm shift that yields greater happiness and contentment.

These STEPS are significant because they were modeled by Christ Himself. He saw the needs of humanity and our broken condition. Salvation began with His initiation. “God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son” (John 3:16). Salvation isn’t a result of humans reaching up to God, but of Him reaching out to us because He saw what we needed.

He traded places. God became man in Christ. Athanasius said, “He became what He was not, without ceasing to be what He was.” This means Christ took on flesh without ceasing to be the second person of the Trinity. The Nicene Creed speaks of Christ as “God from God, light from light, true God from true God.”

He showed empathy. Christ was moved with compassion and healed those who were sick and helped those who were hurt- ing. His love for us compelled Him to die on the cross in our place. His death paid the penalty for our transgressions and gave us freedom from its cruel grip.

He persevered. Even when the going got tough (Matt 26:39) Christ gave His life on a Roman cross to pay the price for our sin and injustice. His sacrifice on our behalf allows us to be forgiven and have a fresh start with God and one another.

He was the seeker. Jesus announced His purpose when He said, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). He was constantly reaching out to the unreached, unloved, and disenfranchised. He modeled for us what it means to seek common ground with others who are totally different from us.

Contact Us

The Common Ground Network

Attn: Dr. Ming Wang, MD, PhD

1801 West End Ave, Ste 1150

Nashville, TN 37203, USA

615-321-8881 (O)

615-321-8874 (F)

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